Special thanks goes out to...
My husband and kids for their patience and review. Also to my hard working agent Jillian Manus of Manus and Associates of Palo Alto California. Without the assistance of the Indiana Arts Commission and their Individual Artist Grant, I would not have attended the Taos Writers Conference in July and met a special group of people who inspired me not to give up on this project. I cannot recommend their conference more strongly. And, to my perceptive friend Emiline Secaur I give grateful thanks for her persistent and inspired editing help.
The following individuals and groups helped immensely in their research for this project:
Anna Lou Stewart - recently deceased owner of Merbrink who owned the home since her family purchased it from the Bruning estate in the 1930s. She gave many interviews, tours, and ghost stories to the project.
Jerry Yarnetsky- reference-technology librarian at Madison-Jefferson County Public Library www.mjcpl.org;
John Staicer - Executive Director of Historic Madison, Inc, Madison, IN 47250
Meredith Gregg- Jefferson County Historical Society Madison, Indiana
Al Disbro-Winona Lake Historical Society
Bill Darr- Head Librarian of Grace College and Seminary,Winona Lake, Indiana
Lynn Martin and Patricia Sides-Archivists, Willard Library, Evansville, IN 47710
Sue Zellers and others of the Kosciusko County Historical Society,Warsaw,IN
Andrew Latham for technical advice & website help
Last and not least, I thank my website design and artistic Guru Megan Lawson. See her art and hear her marvelous music at www.meganking.net